Wake up call to conservatives

Minnesota leans towards the DFL and even more so during presidential election cycles. Maybe this is the lame excuse conservatives will use for the next few years to comfort themselves about losing control of the state legislature in 2012. The real excuse they should use is, “hey, we sat on our hands the whole time. What did you expect?”

Minnesota Republicans have let themselves become branded by the DFL as uncaring rich people that have no connection to everyday citizens. Mitt Romney reinforced this brand with his idiotic statements about the forty-seven percent, and his fifteen percent tax rate.

Minnesota Republican Party stalwarts were surprised when they found their state convention overrun with Ron Paul supporters. Ron Paul has more enthusiasm, not supporters, than the Republican Party in Minnesota. This is a major problem the Republicans are facing. They need to find a way to rouse their base.

Enthusiastic supporters will stand up and defend their party platforms. In today’s social media realm, the loud minority receives the most attention. Republicans need to articulate their ideas better so that others understand the validity of their ideas. The Republican Party must raise itself up instead of just trying to tear the other party down.

In 2014, Republicans will have the opportunity to regain control of the Minnesota State House and oust Gov. Dayton from office. In order to defeat Gov. Dayton, Republicans need to find a true conservative that inspires and doesn’t divide.

Perhaps this is the kick in the pants the Republican Party needed in the state. Standing up and speaking out to advance conservative principles is the solution. Allowing the status quo to continue is allowing the slow creep of government interference in everyday life to continue.