Anonymous Threat Sent to Interfraternity Headquarters Causes Safety Concerns



Nicholas Johnson

Recently, an anonymous letter was sent to the headquarters of the University’s Interfraternity Council. According to a security notice written by Council President Simon Beck, the letter contained an explicit threat to the well-being of University fraternity members. Itssender claimed to be an ex-marine whose daughter had been sexually assaulted at a recent unnamed fraternity party. In retaliation, the letter’s author declared their intent to “kidnap and mutilate” two members of each University fraternity, until the student who committed the alleged assault steps forward. Outside sources have noted that the writer specifically expressed their intent to brand fraternity members captured, among other threats of physical harm.

A threat of this nature is without precedent at the University.It is unclear at this time whether or not the threats, as described in the letter, are genuine,and there is no record of the assault in question. Furthermore, the author’s identity isunconfirmed. However, as Beck explained in his address, it is imperative for fraternity brothersto operate under the assumption that the author, “has the full intent and capability to act on thesethreats.”

Beck concluded by noting the importance of unity among fraternity brothers in comingdays. To begin pointing accusatory fingers in an attempt to single out the perpetrator of acompletely unconfirmed assault would, he wrote, only further complicate this troubling situation.Fraternity members have been instructed to refrain from wearing clothing denoting theiraffiliation, to be sure that all fraternity housing is well secured during the night, and to avoid walking alone on campus after dark.

Students with any further information pertaining to the ongoing investigation areencouraged to contact UMPD at 612-624-2677. Additionally, they can request a campus securityescort at 612-624-WALK (9255), or schedule a free ride with Gopher Chauffeur on Thursday,Friday, and Saturday nights by calling 612-388-6911.Though the threat specified particular targets, all students should be cautious until thisissue has been resolved. Security updates will continue throughout the investigation.