Sex Ed Should Stay Out Of Schools
March 18, 2018
According to the Guttmacher Institute, as of March 1, 2018, the state of Minnesota requires sex education to be taught in public schools: However, it does not have to be medically accurate or age appropriate, and schools do not need to notify or request consent of parents, but parents are allowed to opt-out their children from the instruction.
The topic of sex education in public schools has been a highly debated issue for the past several decades. Whether from the liberal-leaning Planned Parenthood or the conservative-leaning Roman Catholic Church, debates on this issue have been ongoing, but the liberals have won out in the recent years.
Sex education should not be taught in public schools under any circumstance, whether it be in health class, psychology, physiology, anatomy, or biology. Schools are places where children and young adults learn skills such as math, writing, and history, however, schools have been turned into state-run machines for brainwashing generations into thinking something is normal if it is taught in school.
Parents are ostracized for standing their ground on the sex education debate. Dennis Prager, the founder of Prager University, said “One of the first things totalitarian movements seek to do is to break the child-parent bond. The child’s allegiance is shifted from parents to the state.”
Prager continues that “even in democratic societies,” such as the United States, “the larger the state becomes, the more it usurps the parental role.” Examples of public schools allowing inappropriate material to infiltrate tax-funded public schools are evident all over the United States.
Time Magazine reported that in 2014 in Fremont, California, five district high schools allowed the sex education book Your Health Today by McGraw Hill to be used in 9th grade curriculum. The book gives information on topics such as asking if a partner has an STD, legalizing prostitution, and sex games that involve restricted movement, and even shows diagrams.
Asfia Ahmed, a parent highly opposed to the book being used in school, said, “It assumes the audience is already drinking alcohol, already doing drugs, already have multiple sexual partners.”
President of the Fremont school board Lara Calvert-York stated, “I think denying that [sex] is part of our culture in 2014 is really not serving our kids well…let’s have a frank conversation…and let’s do it in classroom setting, with highly qualified, credentialed teachers, who know how to have those conversations.”
This is exactly where an overpowering state steps in to the responsibilities of the family, and initiates a divide between parent and child. No high school teacher is more qualified than a parent to teach a student about sex. There is a difference between teaching about anatomy and teaching how to use it.
How is it that the First Amendment of our Constitution prevent states from forcing religion to be taught to children in schools, but it does not restrict forcing instruction to children on how to have sex?
Sex education is a topic meant for parents to discuss, and with American society transforming sex education to include education of same-sex orientation, transgender health, and gender identity, the public schools should be the last place where students should learn how to have sex.
If Catholic schools cannot be publicly funded to teach about abstinence before marriage, our tax dollars should not be funding secular public where our children are taught how to have safe sex, learn about gay sex, and are given free condoms.
Jaaniyah ford • Sep 27, 2022 at 9:46 am
sex ed should be in schools because believe it or not kid are having sex at a very young age and if they are not doing it with the proper knowledge they will be left with some very life changing consequences so why not teach them the safer approx like how no means no and how to use a condom
Mario • Mar 19, 2021 at 2:39 pm
Sex ed should be in school and heres why
1. A lot of parents don’t talk to their kids about sex ed and puberty because the child is their little angel,pure and innocent,but talking to them about it takes that innocence.Parents also don’t wanna face the fact their kids are growing.
2.No one in my classes knows what a female condom is
3.we arent taught how to have sex but rather the stuff that changes with puberty
4.It might break someones religion
lea • Mar 16, 2021 at 1:04 pm
Sex education does not even talk about how to have sex, at least in my state. We talk about anatomy, and that’s about it. Learning the anatomy of our bodies is crucial to keep ourselves healthy- how are you going to prevent something you don’t even know about? Our sex curriculum taught us how to detect breast, cervical, and prostate cancer, which potentially saved the lives of a few students.
There is no undermining of parental authority, and the constitution cannot prohibit sexual education. The difference between keeping religion and sex out of schools is that including religion can be potentially harmful to students who are not members- nothing harmful can come out of educating the youth on keeping themselves safe from disease, sexual violence, unwanted pregnancy, and cancer.
Natalia Viera • Nov 17, 2020 at 1:40 pm
The same way that students are educated about alcohol and drugs in order to make the right decisions, students need to be given sex education in order to know how to protect themselves. Parents have failed to have thorough sex education with their children. Sex education does not encourage sex. Talking about something does not encourage it. Sex education should be taught in public schools. If students were better aware of how to protect themselves, then we could lower abortion and pregnancy rates. Students are going to have sex (if they want to) whether we like it or not. It is necessary that we provide them with their options so they can make an educated decision. Even if someone is choosing abstinence until marriage, sex education is still important.
As many parents have failed to provide their children with sex education, children become curious and go towards the internet to find answers to their questions. Is porn or the internet a better place to get sex education than a curriculum created by professionals? I’d say that porn and the internet is not a safe or accurate representation of what sex actually is. Sex needs to be treated like any other topic that kids get taught in schools (just like drugs and alcohol). Sex is a part of life, no matter when someone chooses to have it.
Yele • Feb 18, 2022 at 12:26 pm
110% agree with this!