Wish these were jokes: Obama’s foreign policy

Speech not Terror
February 22, 2015
President Obama in recent weeks has seemed intent on proving to everyone that he is in no way capable of conducting foreign policy.
Instead of joining most of the leaders of the rest of the world in a solidarity March in France following the horrific Charlie Hebdo attacks, the Obama administration decided that such an act of comradery wasn’t really their speed. So, in place of marching arm in arm, they sent Secretary of State John Kerry and singer-songwriter James Taylor to preform a rendition of “You’ve Got a Friend.”
Now of course the terrorists are quaking in their boots. After all, they know the day Michelle Obama and Bruce Springsteen sing “Human Touch” is just around the corner.
It’s one thing for the Obama administration to make the mistake of failing to send a senior official like Kerry to the original march. They did at least admit that they did indeed make a mistake there. This attempt to make up for it though is silly at best, and downright embarrassing at worst. It is just another example after the crisis in Ukraine that President Obama is either unwilling or incapable of providing for any kind of American leadership abroad.
Then there’s the situation concerning Iran.
It’s not so much that there is an imminent threat, it’s the fact that the President of the United States has so little power to lead, and is so very much aware of this fact, that Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom has been lobbying Republican Senators concerning US policy towards Iran. Prime Minister Cameron supported the President’s stance that further sanctions on this rogue state would be detrimental to the current batch of negotiations between Iran and the international community concerning the state’s nuclear program.
Cameron called Sen. John McCain and stated his opposition to the proposed bipartisan bill that would incur sanctions against Iran automatically should the coalition of the US, UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany fail to reach a comprehensive deal with Iran by the self set June deadline. Authors of the bill Sen. Bob Mendez (D-NJ) and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) stated that the bill fell in the parameters of the international agreement not to pass new sanctions during negotiation.
It is another example of Obama’s failure to lead that he now calls on leaders of foreign nations to tryto sway US lawmakers who are attempting to pass a bipartisan bill. Unsuccessfully it may be added. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to speak to a joint session of Congress (bypassing the Obama administration on the way) is now even more to be looked forward to.