The Intersection of Technology and National Security


Jack Radomski, Editor

Protecting and expanding the technology industry in the United States should be prioritized as a national security issue. Ensuring that U.S. companies have the ability to innovate and advance freely is paramount to ensuring our national security. Cybersecurity is an increasingly important national security issue as data becomes more interconnected; at the same time, an open internet must be prioritized to promote a free exchange of ideas and technology. The new presidential administration should confront the techno-autocracies across the world by promoting innovation, enhancing cybersecurity, and ensuring a free and open internet. 

At the forefront of U.S. technological advancement is building a 5G network. Expanding the U.S. 5G network does more than grow the national economy, it also has national security implications. The United States is competing with China for dominance in the technology sector, and the race to build the best and most expansive 5G network is at the forefront of the competition.

The Biden administration must guarantee 5G access to rural communities across the country, so that the rural communities choose U.S. technology over the Chinese 3G and 4G models. Being leaders in 5G technology would allow the United States to shape the laws and rules surrounding it. The United States creating international technology laws will secure a free and open internet, along with preventing other countries from exploiting Americans’ data.

Artificial intelligence is another aspect of technology that the government must prioritize. Becoming a leader in artificial intelligence will amplify the scope of influence the United States has to create free and open laws surrounding innovation. Failure to become the international leader in 5G, artificial intelligence, and other technologies will hurt the national economy and reduce the international influence of the United States. 

Enhancing cybersecurity requires the U.S. government to work alongside private industries. This cooperation is essential because of the increasing interconnectedness of systems and growing threats to U.S. intellectual property rights. Because of the interconnectedness of data, if one system is compromised, a potentially unexpected amount of data could be compromised. This has implications for U.S. military and civilian technology, as other countries accessing our military technology will have detrimental effects on our national security. Increasing cybersecurity efforts in the United States will establish strong individual and government privacy, so the United States does not fall victim to other countries attempting to hijack our data. Threats and attacks on U.S. technology have already occurred. That is why the Biden administration should prioritize protecting against them in the future. 

Promoting a free and open internet is another essential aspect to ensuring national security. Encouraging a free exchange of information on the internet also leads to innovation and growth for other countries. The growth of other countries’ economies and their promotion of free and open internet also helps the United States. The U.S. technology industry will gain access to other countries and will be able to enhance their infrastructure.

Furthering the advancement of the U.S. technology sector will also allow for the promulgation and cultivation of American values across the globe–values that center on the concepts of freedom and democracy. The American Edge Project concludes that “one of America’s greatest allies in the tech race against techno-autocracies is the U.S. technology industry.” Supporting the private technology industry in the United States will lead to mitigation of dangerous techno-autocracies that pose a threat to freedom across the globe. 

one of America’s greatest allies in the tech race against techno-autocracies is the U.S. technology industry

It is essential for the United States to be a leader in technology, as it allows the government to protect people and their information at home and abroad. 

Technology has become an essential part of the conversation of U.S. national security. The government must promote innovation, both in the private and public sectors, as it allows for a larger influence and control over international technology laws. The national security of the United States is contingent on being able to lead the creation of technology laws. Increasing cybersecurity will assist the United States government in protecting private and public international property and data. A free and open internet at home and abroad will promote American values and will allow United States industry to flourish. Changing national security policy to adapt to the ever-advancing technological world is paramount to protecting United States interests.