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The Minnesota Republic

The Presidential Election Predictions

The Presidential Election Predictions

Jeff Sandoval, Officer October 23, 2024

As the presidential elections are around the corner, I interviewed students around campus this week and asked them, "Who are you planning to vote for and why”? I found that my results had something in...

Student Conversation on MPR

Minnesota Republics own shares about MPR conversation
Charlie Eggers, Treasurer October 22, 2024

Last week, I had the opportunity to discuss my perspective as a student entering the 2024 election with MPR. I had participated in a similar discussion in the spring, but that earlier session only included...

Republicans are Favored to Win the House

John Smith, Contributor October 19, 2022

This year's midterm election could shape the rest of Joe Biden's presidency. Currently, Democrats currently control both the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the House, the current party distribution...

NASDAQ: The Latest Corporate Advocate for Social Justice

NASDAQ: The Latest Corporate Advocate for Social Justice

Jaden Welborn, Author December 11, 2020

As time goes on, the western world has become more and more progressive. Some social justice solutions are for the better, but many destroy the meritocracy that this country and capitalism were founded...

Equality and Equity: What is Fair?

Equality and Equity: What is Fair?

Adam Erickson, Contributor November 22, 2020

The ongoing debate regarding the definition of equality and what should be considered fair has become a crucial talking point among both political ideologies. Although both sides agree equality is an essential...

ACB, Easy As 123

ACB, Easy As 123

Court Packing. Well, not really
Jaden Welborn, Author October 21, 2020

The constitution, initially created in 1787, outlined the legislative and executive branch in detail, but the judicial branch not so much. The constitution allows Congress to stipulate much of the structure...

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