Impact of the 2020 US Presidential Election: A Republican Perspective


Will Sherry, Contributor

The 2020 US Presidential Election was a historic event that saw President Donald Trump running for re-election against former Vice President Joe Biden. As a Republican, the election was an important moment for me and my fellow party members as we fought to keep the White House and continue implementing policies that would benefit the American people. While the election ultimately did not go in our favor, there are still many important takeaways and lessons that can be gleaned from the experience.

One of the most significant issues in the election was the issue of voter fraud. Republicans across the country were concerned about the potential for fraudulent activity to occur during the election, particularly with the widespread use of mail-in ballots due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This concern was not unfounded, as there were several instances of irregularities and potential fraud that were reported in various states. In Pennsylvania, for example, Republican poll watchers were denied access to observe ballot counting, and there were reports of dead people and non-residents voting in the state. Similarly, in Michigan, there were reports of ballots being counted multiple times, and in Wisconsin, there were reports of individuals voting multiple times.

Despite these concerns, many in the media and the Democratic Party dismissed these claims as baseless and unfounded. This only served to further divide the country and undermine the legitimacy of the election. As Republicans, we believe that every legal vote should be counted and that every American has the right to know that the election is fair and transparent. We must work to restore confidence in our electoral system by addressing these concerns and ensuring that future elections are conducted in a fair and transparent manner.

Another significant issue in the election was the role of the mainstream media in shaping public opinion. As Republicans, we have long been critical of the media’s bias against conservative viewpoints, and the 2020 election was no exception. The mainstream media consistently portrayed President Trump in a negative light, often taking his statements out of context or misrepresenting his policies. Meanwhile, they presented Joe Biden as a moderate, even as he proposed far-left policies such as the Green New Deal and court-packing.

This bias was particularly evident in the media’s coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the media focused on criticizing President Trump’s response to the pandemic, they largely ignored Joe Biden’s lack of a clear plan or his flip-flopping on the issue. They also failed to report on the positive news related to the pandemic, such as the development of vaccines and therapeutics.

Despite these challenges, the Republican Party remains committed to fighting for policies that will benefit the American people. We believe in lower taxes, a strong national defense, and the protection of individual freedoms and liberties. We also believe in the importance of a strong economy, and we are committed to working to get Americans back to work and rebuilding the economy after the damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Looking ahead, the 2020 election has taught us many important lessons. We must work to address concerns around voter fraud and ensure that our elections are conducted in a fair and transparent manner. We must also work to address the bias and misinformation that exist in the media and ensure that Americans have access to accurate and unbiased information. Finally, we must continue to fight for policies that will benefit the American people and make our country stronger and more prosperous.

In conclusion, the 2020 US Presidential Election was a significant event for Republicans, as we fought to keep the White House and continue implementing policies that would benefit the American people. While the election ultimately did not go in our favor, there are still important lessons that can be learned from the experience. As Republicans, we remain committed to fighting for policies that will benefit the American people and make our country stronger and more prosperous.